Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Mighty Change of Heart

Alma the younger talks about his mighty change of heart in the story of his conversion, well mine isn't that drastic, but it was pretty meaningful. And yes this is going to be gospel related for those of you who don't care to read just tune in next time.
To say this night was interesting would be putting things lightly. But perhaps I should start with the beginning of the day first. Fairly normal I woke up at 0530 and got ready for PT. We did some grappling and ground combat related exercises. Well not feeling so great, like I do, I threw up... 3 times. The work day was normal. We looked for missing books and did some paper work. The closing of the day comes around and oddly enough things are about to start on a path that eventually leads to the point of this blog. Due to some scheduling error... made by some NCOs, who will stay anonymous in this blog, there was a duty that needed to be filled by a Marine from my office. Well seeing as I probably wasn't going to do anything tonight and not wanting anyone else to suffer I graciously volunteered.
Now some back ground to this story... I'm a Marine. And being so I've made some stupid choices, making me very puffed up and prideful. But unwilling to admit there was anything wrong I continued in my ways and thought nothing of it. Oh MAN did the Lord prove me wrong....
So back to the duty. Tonight was Monday night... FHE/institute night. My good friend Debbie was debating going and was going to stay with me instead of going. But due to a great Cpl on duty with me she said that I could go to it if I wanted... Well there was the thought that crossed my mind that "Heck NO I'm not going!" but again I was proven wrong. Just goes to show don't think things are going to turn out YOUR way...
Debbie being the person she is *cough* *cough* changed her mind at the last minute and so I decide to go with her. One simple decision... That's all that made the difference. It's what now has me walking around with a penny in my boot and thinking that it's quite annoying at times... but I'll get to that in a moment.
Considering this is too late to save from being a long story made short I will trudge on. Well there ends up being a new girl... well woman... Marine...? at FHE... You know it's crazy how the Lord puts certain people in our path to direct us where to go... Well he struck again. Chandra House.... Now I didn't think anyone could possibly understand some of the things I'm going through, but there was a connection there. You know how you meet certain people and it just clicks. Like you were friends before you came to this earth? Well I think that's what this is. I've only felt it once before and that was with my "sister" Lesly Hiatt.... 2 1/2 hours I sat in a Honda and we just talked. And calm finally returned to my life, and heart. I never thought I would or could ever forget how the Spirit of the Lord feels... but I had and tonight I felt it's warmth in my heart for the first time in awhile.
Talk about a complete 360! Or at least a 180... I'm not saying that I'm going to be completely good and well and fine... but now I know what it is I need to work on. And it's a lot and it's going to be difficult, but there are definitely supports and strength from those around me that I can draw upon... Now to the penny in the boot...
In ending Chandra left me with a simple challenge... at least it seemed simple in the car. Put a penny in your boot. Every time you feel that penny pray. No matter where you are or what you are doing. No matter if it's a silent prayer in your heart or one said aloud. No matter the length, be it short or long.
Now if I had know exactly the annoyance of a penny in my boot and how many times I feel it as it slides around I'd probably not have taken up the challenge. Because I'm here to tell you that you pretty much feel it all the time. So you're pretty much praying all the time. Which in the end isn't a bad thing... but the penny is still annoying.
Everything seems serial. Like I will wake up in the morning and find out that it was all a dream and that none of it happened. Perhaps that's why I called my "sister" Lesly to talk about it. And slowly as I talked to her I realized some of my follies. Pride... Now pride is the downfall of Nations, and my fall to where I am today. But now I know and am on the process of humbling myself. I have two very dear friends that the Lord saw fit to send into my path. And for that I will be eternally grateful. Crazy the circumstances that put you places to meet specific people...
Well now that I've rambled on for a good bit about my night and all that it was I will bid farewell until I write again

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So it's been a few days.... sorry about that... get distracted easily. That's true another part is I'm not sure what to write. Though I don't think I could ever write anything life changing, to me writing changes my life. A friend is kind of got me blogging, but writing has been in my soul and nature since.... well I don't know. As far back as I can remember.
In light of me blogging and doing what I love and what makes me feel complete I think everyone should go out and discover what it is that makes them happy. Perhaps you're the one that loves the out doors and working. So go work and have fun. Life isn't meant to be lived not having fun or doing the things that we love. We get one shot at this life. Being powerful and having money is what a lot of people dream of, but is that what you really want? I could be happy in a little cottage in the woods with my animals and friends close by. Oh and my computer and a place to climb. :)
A challenge or a warning to those who may read this don't live your life unhappily. Find what you truly love and do it. Don't take no's for answers and don't allow your self to be the one that gets in the way. Generally that's what it is. Us. SO stand up to yourself and admit what you know is true... then you're on the journey to fun and happiness.
Your Crazy,
Kaitlin (Shasta) Veylupek

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Once a Friend

What is a friend? two souls living in one body?.... wait that's not how it goes.... let me try again. One soul living in one body?.... nope one more time. One soul living in two bodies. Yep that's the ticket!
Since joining the military I've found that I've made some really good friends. Perhaps that's because in a society that holds self values and standards so low you need good friends to help you along and remember what you stand for. Where the darkest shadows lie there too will you find the brightest light. So perhaps the Military is breeding grounds for the most worldly people, but it is probably the place where you can find the most spiritual as well. Though friends come and go because heck it's the freaking military they're going to come and go, even for you civilians, remember a friend is someone that never leaves your heart. They made a change in you for better or worse. Once a friend always a friend... :) and yes you can quote me on that
your most humble writing servant
Shasta ( as some know me)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

For the First Time

This is in fact my first post... Thanks to a lovely friend of mine I'm now on here writing. So somethings that are a need to know. I'm a Marine, crazy, and fun loving. If I can go without shoes and not get in trouble you better believe I'm going to. I love the outdoors and I also love my family. Even those that aren't related in blood ;) (Lesly Hiatt!)
So I'm here in lovely North Carolina and I absolutely hate the bugs! I've never seen such strange... large bugs in my entire life. Granted Utah has its share of the weird, but not like here. I miss Utah though. Something about being surrounded by mountains makes me feel... safe? perhaps that's the best way to describe it.
Green is my favorite color by the way. And now I've run out of things to say about myself.... so tomorrow we'll actually start the ranting and trust me I'm good at it. Until later, peace